Do you also make this mistake while buying bananas? Know how a small negligence can become your enemy

Do you also make this mistake while buying bananas? Know how a small negligence can become your enemy

Banana is very beneficial for health. According to doctors, banana should be eaten every day as it gives energy to the body. Because dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese are found in banana. But many times it happens that we go to buy a banana and it looks ripe from outside but when it comes to eating it, it turns out to be raw and tasteless from inside.

Along with the waste of money, the taste of the mouth also gets spoiled. Today in this article we will tell you in detail which special things should be kept in mind while buying bananas. 

Buy bananas only after identifying their colour

Whenever you go to buy bananas, first of all look at its colour because the colour of banana will tell whether the banana you are buying is good or not. The more yellow the colour of banana, the more sweet, tasty and good for health it will be. But bananas whose colour appears green should be avoided because such bananas are half-ripe. If more spots are visible on the banana, then it is overripe and such bananas should be avoided because they get spoiled very quickly. 

The size of the banana tells which variety it is. If the size of the banana is small then it is a Desi banana. Whereas big bananas are cut raw because do not buy big size bananas. It is not very beneficial due to being overripe. 

Do not eat too many bananas at once

One should not buy too many bananas at once because they get spoiled due to being kept for a long time. Many times it happens that people usually buy a dozen bananas. If there are not many people then buy bananas according to your requirement because they get spoiled within 2-3 days. 

Do not buy overly broken bananas

Do not buy any kind of banana just because of its low price because shopkeepers always want to sell their rotten and cut bananas. People buy them because of the low price. Do not buy such bananas even by mistake. Because such bananas get spoiled quickly and they start rotting in 1-2 days. Such bananas get spoiled very quickly and eating them does not give any kind of benefit to health. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert. 

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